如何提高我的論文寫作技巧?我在哪裏可以快速學習如何提高我的演講寫作?網絡寫作與傳統寫作有何不同?在試圖寫出好散文的過程中,人們通常會犯哪些錯誤?我的寫作風格如何有說服力?語言是如何進化的?什麼是“類型理論”?我如何在我的散文寫作中變得有創造力?這些和其他好奇和相關的問題都在學術寫作中得到了解答。寫作是關於文字的交流,而學術寫作是關於仔細選擇文字來傳達複雜的思想。 The purpose of the fourteen chapters of this monograph is to provide an introduction to the practice of academic writing with an emphasis on prose writing in particular, for both print-based and online media. Each of the fourteen chapters explores different aspects of academic writing from practical, professional and theoretical perspectives. The book is written for students, teachers and educators at tertiary organisations. Word connoisseurs, debaters, writers and readers may also enjoy its argumentations and analyses.