國家圖書獎得主為年輕人的文學,Michael l . Printz獎,和對於Belpre獎!傑奎琳·伍德森的粉絲,梅格麥地那,傑森·雷諾茲會為這驚人的紐約時報暢銷書novel-in-verse獲獎大滿貫的詩人,一個Afro-Latina女主角告訴她的故事的單詞和強大的真理。Xiomara巴蒂斯塔感覺聞所未聞,無法藏在她的哈萊姆街區。自從她的身體發展成曲線,她學會了讓她的拳頭和凶猛的說話。但Xiomara有很多她想說,她倒所有的挫折和激情到頁的皮革筆記本,背誦單詞對自己像祈禱一樣——特別是在她在生物類捕獲對男孩的感情叫阿曼,她的家人不知道。與麻美迫使她女兒的決心遵守教會的法律,Xiomara明白她的想法是最好保持自己。所以當她邀請加入學校的大滿貫詩歌俱樂部,她不知道她如何能參加沒有她的麻美發現。但她仍然不能停止思考表演詩歌。因為麵對的世界可能不想聽到她,Xiomara拒絕保持沉默。“充滿能量和快照和真實性的聲音。” --Justina Ireland, author of Dread Nation "An incredibly potent debut." --Jason Reynolds, author of the National Book Award Finalist Ghost "Acevedo has amplified the voices of girls en el barrio who are equal parts goddess, saint, warrior, and hero." --Ibi Zoboi, author of American Street
入圍決賽t.s.艾略特獎轉發獎最佳集合的新詩集特雷西·k·史密斯,美國桂冠詩人甚至黑衣人盔甲,緊張的手銬和鑰匙,還有什麼他們所以緩衝,如果不是愛的葉片大小心的熟悉的肉嗎?我們觀看和悲傷。我們的睡眠,攪拌,吃。愛:心髒切開,去掉內髒,幹淨。愛:裸體幾乎在永恒的街上,裙子解除不同的微風。——從“巴吞魯日騷亂”韋德在水中,特蕾西·k·史密斯大膽聯係美國當代的時刻對我們國家的建國曆史和精神,永遠的。這些都是按比例增減的詩:一些捕獲一個閃爍的歌曲或記憶;一些拚貼一係列文件和聲音;和一些推過去的已知世界進入鬧鬼的,神聖的。史密斯簽名的聲音,好奇的,抒情的,詼諧,周轉意味著什麼是一個公民,一個母親,和一個藝術家的文化仲裁的財富,男人,和暴力。 Here, private utterance becomes part of a larger choral arrangement as the collection widens to include erasures of The Declaration of Independence and the correspondence between slave owners, a found poem comprised of evidence of corporate pollution and accounts of near-death experiences, a sequence of letters written by African Americans enlisted in the Civil War, and the survivors' reports of recent immigrants and refugees. Wade in the Water is a potent and luminous book by one of America's essential poets.
瑪麗蓮的下巴是詩人廣受好評,艾德麗安對她豐富強大,毋庸置疑,和無過失的詩。跳舞出色的東部和西部之間的形式,融合中國古代曆史和當代美國流行文化,她是最有名的亞裔美國詩人寫今天。下巴的第四卷詩集,努力愛,由情愛哀歌牧歌》第十首中,講述者的損失,至愛的人類。與意象“空白”她寫道,蒸餾平靜孤獨的哀悼者:“這並不是說你是罕見的/你非凡的/ / O也不孤獨的鷦鷯啜泣菩提樹/你是簡單和真誠。”In "Formosan Elegy," by contrast, she is that mourner, beyond simplicity or quietude, crying out for a lover: "I sing for you but my tears have dried in my gullet / Walk the old dog give the budgies a cool bath / Cut a tender melon let it bleed into memory." Here, too, are poems inspired by Chin's poetic forbearers and mentors--Dickinson, Plath, Ai, Gwendolyn Brooks, Tu Fu, Adrienne Rich, and others--honoring their work and descrying the global injustice they addressed. "Whose life is it anyway?" she asks in a poem for Rich, "She born of chrysalis and shit / Or she born of woman and pain?" Emotionally nuanced and electric with high-flying verbal experimentation, image after image, line by line, Chin's spectacular reinventions, her quatrains, sonnets, allegories, and elegies, are unforgettable.
部分事實,部分小說,Tyehimba傑斯的備受期待的第二本書編織十四行詩,歌曲,和敘事研究的生活大多是沒有記錄的非裔美國演員直接南北戰爭之前和之後的第一次世界大戰到什錦菜是為了了解他們,抵製,複雜,未必是壞事,有時打敗了企圖minstrelize他們。當我領導這個合唱團,我仍然發現我領導……我是一個傳教士修補我的信仰在這個群…我在他們的領域的讚美。當人們看到這些自由人站起來唱歌,他們聽到上帝說方言。這九個黑嘴唱避難所;他們從奴隸製的天氣回波讚美詩的避風港。底特律本地Tyehimba傑斯的第一本詩集,萊德貝利,2004年國家詩歌係列。傑斯,一個洞穴Canem和紐約大學校友,收到了白粉基金會的獎學金,國家藝術基金會,伊利諾斯州藝術委員會,普羅溫斯敦美術工作中心。傑斯也是一個經驗豐富的2000年和2001年綠色軋機詩歌大滿貫團隊。 He exhibited his poetry at the 2011 TEDxNashville Conference. Jess is an Associate Professor of English at College of Staten Island.
“鬥的呈現是盡可能接近,逐字逐句,任何翻譯“坎特伯雷故事集”……”——《紐約客》傑弗裏·喬叟(c.1340 - 1400),在方言寫他的傑作,是標準的方言在英格蘭東南部的一生——一種富有活力的語言,但也非常不同於我們今天說的英語。這個有用的體積給讀者帶來了活力,活潑,和幽默的喬叟的原始中古英語詩歌,點綴的逐行教授文森特•霍珀的現代優雅,和易於理解的翻譯。這個新版本,更新一個啟發新引入的安德魯•加洛韋還包括四個新翻譯敘述。《坎特伯雷故事集》是最早的偉大敘事詩用英語寫的。是一組故事,形形色色的旅行者告訴彼此的每一天。他們已經出發步行從倫敦的“戰袍”旅店出發宗教朝聖聖地的聖托馬斯貝克特在英格蘭坎特伯雷大教堂的小鎮。這本書開篇喬叟的著名的開場白,然後禮物最好的那些許多故事,展示喬叟的技能在描繪各種截然不同的個性。例如,我們滿足宗教虔誠但傲慢女修道院,滑稽的下流的米勒,和親切地泥土浴的妻子和其他很多。通過這一切,我們對待喬叟的自己的聲音,這是世俗的智慧,常常諷刺,有時自嘲,總是好脾氣。在一個新更新版是一種吸引力,平易近人英國文學教材的學生。 It's also a richly entertaining volume for the enlightened general reader This new edition gives today's readers an awareness as never before that The Canterbury Tales is one of the great masterpieces of world literature. Continues to offer the benefits of the previous critically acclaimed edition by presenting the original Middle English of Chaucer's poetry with an elegant, direct, line-by-line and often word-by-word translation. This format gives students and general readers immediate appreciation of Chaucer's last and greatest narrative poem. Features a new set of up-to-date notes and resources for further study. Four additional key narratives newly translated from Chaucer's original text respond to the modern reader's willingness to explore The Canterbury Tales' brilliantly experimental approach to storytelling. Includes a stimulating new introduction that encourages modern readers to embrace various difficult-to-understand Chaucerian turns of phrase so that they can fully appreciate the fine artistry of Chaucer's poetic style.