蒂芬大學體育管理教授邦妮·蒂爾(Bonnie Tiell)博士因其對大學間體育管理和全球體育治理的貢獻而伟德软件官方网站聞名。TIELL與世界奧運會成員協會合作,監督主人城市中貧困青年的人道主義計劃。她在希臘雅典的奧運會上為團體協調了教育計劃。中國北京;倫敦,英國;和裏約熱內盧,巴西(2016)。她的15名學生擔任正式誌願者。

提爾(Tiell)介紹了研究,教授或合作,在五大洲的體育項目上進行了合作。她是美國體育學院國家教師的成員。She joins Alfreeda Goff from Alden & Associates as the co-founder of the NCAA/NACWAA Women’s Leadership Symposium which has served almost 1500 female students and aspiring administrators in college athletics since 2001. In her faculty role at Tiffin University, Tiell served as the NCAA Faculty Athletics Representative, Dean of Graduate Studies, and MBA Chair. Prior to her faculty appointment, Tiell served as Senior Woman Administrator and Assistant Athletic Director. She is a member of the TU Hall of Fame and has coached volleyball, softball (1993 national qualifier), tennis (2006 national qualifier), track, and basketball for Tiffin University [OH], Alfred University [NY], and Peace College [NC].

提爾(Tiell)被評為2014年度校友美國體育學院(Univates Sports Academy),並被NCAA II大湖區間體育大會授予Donahue服務獎。Tiell還被商學院和計劃認證理事會獲得了第四區教學獎的獲得者,並且是蒂芬大學體育名人堂的成員。伟德软件官方网站她為廣告商 - 拉特裏布恩報紙(Adveriser-Tribune)報紙的體育和社會問題每月撰寫專欄,並正在為瓊斯和巴特利特(Jones&Bartlett)的《體育中人力資源》出版的教科書:一種管理方法。她和丈夫(格雷格)一起住在俄亥俄州的蒂芬,有兩個女兒。