


蒂芬·塞內卡(Tiffin-Seneca)社區小馬丁·路德·金(Martin Luther King,Jr。

該計劃將包括NAACP代表,喬尼·派斯基(Joni Pinskey),蒂芬市長亞倫·蒙茲(Aaron Montz)和福斯托裏亞市市長埃裏克·凱克勒(Eric Keckler)和蒂芬(Tiffin)和海德堡大學的學生代表的一係列視頻流的問候。針對新任命的威爾明頓學院校長特雷弗·貝茨博士(Trevor Bates),將講述“尋求正義:使它公平”的主題,將談論“繼續前進……”。貝茨最近在俄亥俄州的梅西學院擔任首席學術官,在此之前,他是衛生科學係的創始副院長,蒂芬海德堡大學的體育培訓主席兼體育培訓主任。他目前正在哈佛大學教育研究生學院 - 教育管理研究所進行博士後研究。

The title of Bates’ talk is from the quote by Dr. King, “If you can’t fly then run, if you can’t run then walk, if you can’t walk then crawl, but whatever you do you must keep moving forward.” Bates finds that Dr. King continues to influence his life through King’s “unyielding focus on equity, fairness, and the journey to reach what he called the Beloved Community.” Bates continues, “My personal and professional life has been offered many challenges and opportunities, and I am grateful for each one. I would not change a thing because, as I keep moving, I continue to gain a better understanding of the notion that in order to get to where we are called to be, we must go through many hardships to be best prepared to serve one another.”

來自蒂芬(Tiffin)和福斯托裏亞(Fostoria)的學童提交了有關“ MLK使生活公平的事情?您該怎麼做才能使生活公平?”屢獲殊榮的論文將由詹妮弗·格雷斯曼(Jennifer Gressman)的班級蒂芬·克魯特(Tiffin Krout)學校的三年級學生諾拉·施密特(Norah Schmits)和凱文·吉布森(Kevin Gibson),以及米勒夫人的班級和富斯托裏亞小學的六年級學生米林·漢密爾頓(Mylin Hamilton)和米勒夫人的班級和艾迪生·賴特(Addison Wright)。

在線Facebook Group在塞內卡縣(Seneca County)的幫助之手是今年的和平締造者獎,組織者安妮·迪維恩(Anne Devine),吉爾·戈什(Jill Gosche)和安德裏亞·福布斯·沃納羅(Andrea Forbes Traunero)表示對這一榮譽的讚賞。A traditional part of the celebration, this year’s choral selections include “Wade in the Water” performed by the masked Heidelberg University Concert Choir and “Lift Every Voice and Sing,” the Grammy-nominated a cappella performance by vocalist Jarrett Johnson with Take 6 bass singer Alvin Chea. A regular collaborator with the Tiffin University music program and a cappella groups at Tiffin University, Johnson most recently appeared as the guest artist in the final performance of TU’s “12 Days of Christmas at the Ritz.” An acclaimed vocalist, songwriter and producer, he has written for Quincy Jones, sung as a backup vocalist for Michael Bublé and performed with other a cappella groups.
